For access to public transport the Green Pass will be available to those with a negative test, not just the vaccinated, the government said. Residents in Italys 'red-zone' regions will be required to stay home except for work, health or other essential reasons. This will be challenging to enforce, given the crowded rush-hour conditions of Italy's buses and metros. Most of these steps were widely anticipated following comments by ministers in recent days, but in a surprise move the government also decided to make the Green Pass mandatory for use on urban public transport. The measures tighten the requirements for a Green Pass, a certificate that allowed the vaccinated access to various leisure activities and services, to exclude people who have received a negative test in the past 48 hours but have not had a COVID-19 shot. ROME, Dec 27 (Reuters) - Health experts urged the Italian government on Monday to relax COVID-19 quarantine rules, saying that the country otherwise risked paralysis as the highly infectious.

In addition, third doses of the vaccine, so-called "boosters", currently available to those over 40 years of age will be made available to everyone over the age of 18. On Monday 29 March the rules were eased to allow groups of up to six people, from any number of households, or a group of any size from up to two households, to gather in parks and gardens. The government extended mandatory vaccination, already in force for healthcare workers, to all school staff, police and the military, beginning from Dec. "We want to be very prudent to try to safeguard what Italians have achieved in the last year," Draghi said, stressing the need to avoid a full-blown lockdown against the coronavirus that in 2020 caused Italy's steepest post-war recession. "We are seeing the situation in bordering countries is very serious and we also see that the situation in Italy is gradually but constantly getting worse," Draghi told reporters after the cabinet approved the new rules. 6, unvaccinated people will not be able to enter venues such as cinemas, restaurants and sports events, Prime Minister Mario Draghi's government said in a statement. Italy tourists with protective masks on the Rialto bridge in Venice Vacations are possible in Europe. Under the Italian measures, which will come into force from Dec. DW Travel has compiled this overview of EU rules. Italy acted as much of Europe is increasing restrictions to try to grapple with a new wave of the pandemic. Visit the State Departments Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management website for: all Travel Advisories and Italy-Specific. The first quarter of 2021 was spent by most of the country under lockdown restrictions, with infection rates increasing regardless of the measures. ROME, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Italy on Wednesday tightened the screws on people unwilling to take an anti-COVID vaccine, sharply restricting access to an array of services and making vaccines mandatory for a wider group of public sector workers.