The Court noted that the rollover of fixed-term agreements is a red flag but is not in itself an infringement of section 66 of the Act. Where other options exist, preference is given to the agreement that least encroaches on the rationale underlying ILO 158. 158, which recognises that fixed-term agreements may be appropriate in some circumstances, but emphasises that adequate safeguards should be provided so that employers did not use such agreements as a mechanism to avoid responsibility for employee entitlements. The Court also referenced the International Labour Organisation ( ILO) Convention no. The Employment Court arrived at its decision by analysing Parliament’s intention behind s 66 of the Employment Relations Act ( Act). Mr Morgan, on the other hand, argued that the 18-year contractual stability undermined Tranzit’s reasoning. Tranzit relied on the uncertainty regarding the renewal of their school bus driving contract with the Ministry of Education ( Ministry) as their reason for continuously placing Mr Morgan on fixed-term agreements. This decision left his employer, Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa Limited ( Tranzit), liable for back paying his entitlements.
The bus driver and his bus originally hail from Colorado this can be seen if one looks at the bus license plate.Fixed-term agreement invalidated by Employment Court in Morgan v Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa Limited NZEmpC 66Ī bus driver has recently won a battle in the Employment Court arguing that he was not a fixed term employee, despite only ever being employed under a series of fixed-term agreements for the past 18 years.He also seems to acknowledge the existence of zombies, as he often makes sarcastic comments about the undead chasing the bus.Even though he was made before the zombie apocalypse, he seems to know about the river of lava after Town."JD" is scrawled on the left hand side of his base.His bus driver's hat shows the word "BLOODHOUND" (a reference to Greyhound buses) and a metal bar with the numbers "1104.".He often mistakes the names of the bus stops with variable locations, such as the Grand Canyon, the HAARP Research Station or Hawaii. Quotes Main article: Green Run/Quotes#Bus Driver Trivia When zombies climb onto the Bus, he will alert the players of their presence in the area. If the player continuously ignores the Bus Driver's threats, he will attempt to either throw the passengers out, lock the doors or ignore stops. If he is hit, he threatens and insults the player who attacked him. The Bus Driver is programmed to show some emotion. He happily greets players that climb aboard the Bus while it is at a stop, and does not take kindly to him or his Bus being attacked or damaged. If the bus has been halted by either of these methods, players can instantly jump-start the bus by placing a Turbine anywhere near it.

The Avogadro can also zap the bus' battery, with the same result of deactivating the bus. If an EMP Grenade is thrown at him, he will turn off for a few minutes, stopping the bus. He also has the ability to lock the vehicle's doors to prevent anyone from getting inside if his current passengers are being a nuisance. Failing that, he will immediately leave an area after arriving and dropping them off. If harassed multiple times, he will open the doors and begin to rock the Bus in an attempt to eject the passengers from the vehicle. The Bus Driver can be harassed by the player, either by shooting or knifing him.

If he is attacked by a player, his eyes will turn red

The only article of clothing he wears that is not damaged is his Driver hat. His left arm is completely gone, while the remains of his right arm hangs limply, suggesting that he may be hard-wired into the Bus' steering system.

His uniform is nothing more than a tattered and torn blue rag draped over his torso, and anything used to hide his face has been torn away, revealing his brass-yellow skull and glowing blue eyes. Despite having survived the rockets that hit Earth at the end of Moon, the Bus Driver looks no better than his beaten Bus.