Wonder woman jet
Wonder woman jet

wonder woman jet

So why the change? The answer mostly comes down to avoiding the same issues that inspired so many different origin retcons: it was all just too silly for the DCEU, even with a lighter tone. She also makes clear that she's spent decades struggling to perfect the technique, only succeeding once on a coffee cup, which she then wasn't able to find again.

wonder woman jet wonder woman jet

She explains that she's employing the same method that Zeus did to create Themyscira's invisibility cloak to hide the islands of Amazons from the world. Realizing that despite Steve's pilot skills, they can still be tracked by radar, Diana creates a transparent sphere in her hands, before placing her palm on the cockpit's dash, which causes the jet to become invisible and undetectable. airbase, despite Wonder Woman being able to fly. As Diana and Steve Trevor pursue Maxwell Lord and the Dreamstone, they fly off in a fighter jet from a Washington D.C. In the film, the origin is far more conventional, ignoring all of those established in the comics. RELATED: Wonder Woman 1984 Ending Explained (In Detail) Most recently, that was retconned by the New 52, which reimagined the plane as Steve Trevor's crashed plane improved by Amazonian technology. After a period out of use, the plane returned in the '90s as a sentient morphing alien crystal (that also turned into Diana's Wonder Dome base), but then that died and Bruce Wayne made her a new stealth plane. As an added bonus, it could be controlled telepathically, via Wonder Woman's tiara (an element that survived other new origins). Prior to that, the plane was an indication of the Amazonian's advanced technology (much like Black Panther's Wakanda), gifted to Diana as a means to join the world of men without detection. In the comics, the Invisible Plane (originally called the Robot Plane) has had a number of origins, including the strangest one revealing (temporarily) that the plane started out as a pegasus that morphed into a plane by the goddess Athena.

Wonder woman jet